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CREATOR: @hixel

Move #0 /* NFT Chess

NFT Chess is an exclusive community game in which players can play a game of chess in which each piece captured is given for free as an NFT to the buyer that captured it. There's a total of 32 NFT prizes in the game. How to play: Step 1: Buy the current move NFT Chess Board (the only one that's on sale from my account), and then follow the instructions. You'll have to send me a message on discord with the move you'd like to make. Step 2: After the previous buyer picks his move, a new Chess Board will be generated as an NFT with the updated board, and the player's name added. Step 3: If your move leads to a capture of a piece, you'll receive the captured piece as an NFT for free, an exclusive buyer sale will be made for your address. Pieces that have not been captured by the end of the game will be put for sale in the Superblocks collection.

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4.15 Bn

$ 0.06

UI / UX & Visual Designer You get pretty good at something if you do it for more than 10 years, and especially if it's something you love doing. 🖌️🎨 Current Collections on Enter.Art: 🦸‍♂️ Superblocks (10% Minted) Collection size: 196 NFTs + Special Editions 🖤 Glitchex (10% Minted) Collection size: Ë̺̟̝̹́́r̶̻̘͎̗̹ͤ̄r̪̜̦̄͝ͅo̸̯̼̬̔̉̑r̟̖͔̼ͨ̕ NFTs 🦙 Wooly Freaks (60% Minted) Collection size: 54 NFTs 🎭 Forbidden Art (20% Minted) Collection size: 54 NFTs 💀 Vanta Skulls (2% Minted) Collection size: 54 NFTs I'm currently working to finish the current collections on my profile and also working on a new and bigger collection I'm going to release on 1️⃣ Enternauts, a collection of 500 (+Special Editions) animated astronauts. 🪙 Commissions available. 💬 Discord: Hixel#0001

1/19/2022 2:03 PM
Bought for $0.06
4.15 Bn
1/13/2022 1:26 PM
Listed for $0.06
4.15 Bn
1/13/2022 1:04 PM
1/13/2022 1:02 PM