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CREATOR: @ethereal_visions

Music Was My First Love

In the symphony of life, music stands as a steadfast companion, a guiding light through the depths of experience. "Music Was My First Love" encapsulates the profound bond between melody and soul, capturing the essence of music as both sanctuary and muse. For me, music has always been a powerful force, a beacon of solace in times of turmoil and a wellspring of inspiration on every journey. This NFT celebrates the transformative power of music, offering a glimpse into its transcendent realm where notes weave tales of resilience, hope, and unwavering passion. As you embark on this sonic odyssey, may you discover echoes of your own story within the melodies, finding solace, inspiration, and boundless joy in the harmonies that resonate within. Buyer Info: As a sign of gratitude to all collectors, this NFT comes with a heartfelt present, a reminder of the enduring connection between music and the human spirit.

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PRICE: (24 / 1k)

25 Bn

$ 0.34

"Enter the kaleidoscopic world of Ethereal_Visions, where art transcends boundaries and imagination knows no limits. Born from the tender roots of Roger Cadiz's childhood passion for music, Ethereal_Visions is a testament to the transformative power of creativity. With each stroke, Ethereal Visions invites you on a journey—a voyage through the depths of the human experience, guided by a relentless pursuit of truth and beauty. Join us as we delve into the boundless realms of artistic exploration, where every creation is a testament to the enduring spirit of the human soul."

4/30/2024 3:50 AM